Thursday, December 31, 2009

31st dec 2009 simple new year eve dinner

Today is the last day of new year, i cook curry for my daughter who ask for it during christmas day, last two days went market carry too heavy stuff, now back still aches, must rest and rest to get it heal.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

before baking
After baking

30 th december 2009 wednesday
yesterday went market twice so tiring. today still got so many things to buy but too tired to go 2nd round, even no strength to scrub toilet wall and mop the other two rooms. Carry too heavy things can cause backaches, very tiring just cant do any thing ! worse my daughter throw so many tissue in the washing machine, the floor is full of tissue, even her pockect still got 2 pcs havent drop out from the pocket and i have to shake shake and shake all the tissue from all the clothes, so tiring! Already so busy now worse so tiring ! Didnt even got strength to buy my oranges which i have a habit to eat it daily for the last 40 yrs. Ah girl i hope u read and understand me.
Afternoon now busy making pineapple tarts for u, now resting wait will post for u to see and taste it tonight fresh from oven. picture on top.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

roast red pepper and red onion

mash pototoes

roast pork leg wrap with bacon with yellow and green zuchizi and tomates

roast chichen with mushroom stuffing

shepherd pie

salad, lettuce, avcocado, prawn, cherry, strawberry, pineapple, bird eggs.

25 dec 2009 christmas eve dinner.
i spent morning till afternoon cooking all the dishes on 24 dec. christmas got lot of left over.
just eat leftover dont ask what i cook. Especially when i just come back, very hot and tiring n ask me whether i am cooking curry. i dont cook curry on christmas day. dont eat dinner tell me in the morning not when i defrost the food and going cook and u said u r not eating and ask me why i like that. i cannot stand pple like that.Cannot stand pple last min.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

3rd dec 2009 thursday

Today lunch have salmon, fried red onion with spagetti and roast pork rib. salmon and red onion are leftover from monday and pork rib is yesterday dinner leftover. clement have bacon, pototoes sandwiches and 1 small piece of pork rib. His bacon and pototes is leftover from tues lunch and pork rib is yesterday leftover dinner.Very thrifty har ! Tonight fried 5 small pieces of chicken wing , the 2nd part tits only. yesterday leftover soup but cook fresh shan yao with red seed and 1 chicken leg for family. There is this leftover towkay from last night dinner. So later i will fried one egg and if towkay uneible i will parboil lettuce.