Thursday, January 21, 2010

mee tai marik soup with fish ball and crab meat, fish cake and veg.
chee cheong fun with veg and roast pork, fried small onion till fragrant and fried with light sauce.

my new iron not bad

salad lettuce with tomatoes, salt, blk pepper and olive oil with meat patties. mince pork with big onion, bread crumb, five spice, light sauce, pepper, salt.

fried onion sauce with "shen mian" quite sick of this noodle, quite chewy.

fish porridge with chye sim, yu tiao, fried fish cake, yam and seafood tow kwa. 3 pieces 4 $2.00 only.

chye sim, very cruncy and nice

22nd january 2010 friday
last few days lunch.

Monday, January 11, 2010

12th january 2010 tuesday
salmon in teryaki sauce
very nice. cut fish into 4 pieces, pan fry a while. fry 1/2 onion till golden brown, add 2 tb teryaki sauce, when sauce boil add 1 tb mirin or wine and 1 tb of suger ( i add 1/2 only cos dont like too sweet unhealty), add 1/2 cup of water when boil add fish n let it cook for 5 mins sprinkle with chopped spring onion. red and green gives a beautiful colour. i add with spagetti with par boil brocolli and tonight go with rice, the sauce and onion very tasty and delicious go very well with rice.

Friday, January 8, 2010

gai chye
beef stew

green carrot soup

strawberry from korea

chocolate for ah boy

9th january 2010 saturday
Went west mall to buy the above. The gai chye which is to make kiam chye. i like this veg very much but hardly eat cos pple dont like. This veg remind me about mum favour, fry with ginger strips and towteo, very delicious, very nice got my mumfavour. how i miss her, ma, i miss u.
green carrot soup whick i hardly cook and beef stew which i hardly cook too.

Monday, January 4, 2010

5th january 2010 tuesday
my simple lunch, yesterday leftover mince pork and fried onion sauce, quite tasty though simple.
noodles and kuey teow that bought last friday, still cannot finish. Son busy this few days, not eating lunch and dinner may be have to finish this saturday. Fried some fish cake which i crave for which is not enough on new year day. H loves fish cake so much. Since yesterday so many clothes to wash, hang and iron. Last sat big t-shirts, h bought so many new shirt about 8 ! bedsheets and bah bah. left hand arm aches wonder why, old? carry too heavy things? drink too much cold water? may be all 3 is the causes and the cold weather too.