Tuesday, April 13, 2010

14 april 2010 wednesday

Morning broke one little spoon, went to market forget to take my yong two who two kwa home, left in s n s counter, aya so careless. all this remind me to be careful and patience. teabreak feel like eating some thing so i fried bread with tuna mixed with chop big spring onion, very fragrant.

it must be seal with egg but i did not impatient so lot of lot, flatten the side with fork after filling also flatten the bread. cannot use little oil must use more oil and oil must be hot enough, use white bread cos it can burnt easily.

lunch fried mee hoon with cabbage, big chye sim, mince garlic with can fatty pork,carrot strips,two box strips and otah. Clement also eat without complaining. He alway complain when i fried mee hoon, he dont like so i seldom fried mee hoon for him.

dinner belly pork brasied with the three leftover two box. the pork also sitting in my refri for very long, need to finish it cos going holiday, will keep a bit of fresh meat, cabbage for mon when i come back.fried spring onion egg of course Clement one is without onion, he dont like onion, he dont like lot of food, he still dont know how to enjoy the fragrant of it. fry big chye sim and brinjal, cabbage, need to check bringal edible or not, cos it been cut and so long in the refri.
soup - pork rib, pototes, carrot, tomates, big onion. Clement dont like tomates too so i normally will put into the soup and make him drink.Busy packing my bag, and wonder where is the dental floss gone to ?

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