Monday, January 17, 2011

spaghetti in miso soup. This miso is not very salty and spaghetti doesnt go well this miso soup. Cant get udong from s n s so use spaghetti. The two meat ball i make yesterday must mixed with the red sweet sauce below then nice better than outside ytw shop. The egg is also well done suppose to be hard boiled egg but inside yolk is running may be it is very cold inside cos i boil for few mins alrdy. Chinese lettuce and sweet pototoes not cook must boil longer.
18th Janurday 2011 Tuesday
This sweet sauce i bought from market for 50 cents, just mix with few drop of sesame oil and bit of water (cool drinking water), add slowly cos we dont want to have watery sauce and to get the right texture.
My son had mee box with two big ball, ask him to eat with the sweet sauce but he didnt dip , i throw away so wasted.

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