Monday, May 31, 2010

1 june 2010 tuesday monday lunch fried rice with avocode and prawn

lunch - fried kuey teow with tow kee and round go hiang and brinjal.
Stomach need to clease off stuff somehow on sunday and stress on monday until today noon then get heal.
need to buy pineapple for digestion and the tasteless tongue, the sick tongue.
dinner = pork with pototes and big onion
ban tow who with mince pork
xiao kai lan and brocolli for ah boy who doesnt eat kai lan
tomor salmon spagetti and thin noodles with mince pork for lunch
dinner - eggs, fish, veg and meat ? What meat, everyday my son want to eat meat.
Actually wed shld be meatless like friday, healthy living.
Mango and 1/4 apple for tea - break and some almond for the dry skin.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

30th may 2010 Sunday
Today is sunday no mood to go anywhere may be i went out yesterday. I went to lucky plaza with my daughter to alter my gown. They charge $45 very expensive. The person who recommed this shop said they charge $20, even this i consider very expensive but now $45, they consider two pcs.
Went to far east ate this potien wanton noodles. From from the blog how they said it is so nice but actually is quite ok, the noodles is not q, a bit soft, may be that man overcook. Then they is a blackout. We ate taiwan fry chicken and fried sweet pototoes, the pototoes is very nice but may be they add a lot of ajomoto, come back feel very thirsty.
From what he is talking on the phone u can hear a lot of things is happening, lot of shit and loudly.
Celeste went to see hse so expensive.
Went out 2pm to west mall to bought bai he, red seed and goo tong sheng $14.50.
Went to market bought half roast duck $19.00.
Come back nah transfer money back to me and h transfer allowances to me too,
Come back got luck got money.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

28th May 2010 Friday
Today vesak day public holiday, market a bit crowd, i cant stand crowd
and no patience to shop and sweating very badly, very hot.
lunch mee hoon soup with fish ball and tow box.
cook porridge with cod fish, taiwan veg and two bowl leftover veg.
Too hot cook any extra food.
Dinner will cook more
tow kwa
mushroom from china
long cabbage with carrot and vegatation drumstick.
fried dry fish and ikan billies
steam corn
celery soup.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

chicken wing with stuff prawn
last night leftover curry chicken

long bean and spinach for son

egg for son, i ate egg yesterday alrdy

brown rice cooking in the rice cooker

lotus, waterchestnut pork rib soup

27th May 2010 Thursday

Today went to market caught in rain, use a cardboard to cover to go home really got no patience to wait for rain to stop.
lunch - korean noodles with spinch and spring onion
with two fried kampong fish, the fish is not sweet and quite bland.
Today someone qi gkong mo yan.
curry rice for son, the curry i cook yesterday not bad but use to little chicken.
dinner fried chicken wing with prawn stuffing later will go and do it now very hot blowing my favourtie fan.
Debone my wing and clean the hairs away.
mince 12 prawns, one waterchestnut, celery, carrot, spring onion, garlic or white onion (opt).
season wing with salt, oregnao, kaichun and 5 spice powder.
So many container of flour in the cupborad, so long never make anything, also dont craze for anything put on too much weight now going on diet will not snack on tea time but eat fruit and nut only. Last time see pple make what i will find it very nice and will make to eat. Now wo jian fei.
Sunday bought prawn paste wing not worthe it $8 for 8 mid frozen wing and not tasty , seasoning is not good .

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

kuey teow with mince pork. pork ball, fish cake and spinach.
wednesday usually brush toilet wall today no strength, tongue also tasteless better still can go on diet but pant still very tight, stomach still very big and upper body still got fat have to get rid if not gown will be very tight and uncomfortable.
later i will be cooking curry chicken with egg and curry veg ?
weather very hot next day must cook some cooling soup like lotus, very long didnt cook dont like the soil, feel that the soil very dirty. As i type i perspire, want to let the fan run also cannot, even with the fan blowing at a direction i also sweat a lot. When i write i like talking to myself. blogging can take up some time and make one mind tried and at night sleep better.
Now i dont snack only eat 1/2 an apple for teabreak, still i doesnt lose much weight. I think only 300g so far and there is no different now.
stomach a bit indigestion must stand up to do housework to relax.
So hot but i alway bath at 3 plus and the water is so hot, no cold water to cool me down.
Cook the curry too hot, add too many dried chillies, next time add 3 will do grind with small onion. I add almost 8 chiillies, actually dried chillies is quite hot compare to the fresh chillies.
Now the pot of chillies look so red.

Monday, May 24, 2010

century egg tow who - par boil two who, put saide, fry spring onion add sauce, salt, sugar, sesame oil, put egg on top and pour sauce over it. This tuesday dinner not Monday.
pork chop wrap with cheese - my son favourite , fried stuff above is for dinner and veg spinach - dinner for 2

yu tiao - pan fried for a while it make it more cprisy, nicer, but i didnt fry mine, i will fry for son because he eat late and the yu tiao become very soft, not very nice.

mince pork,, peanut with chopped spinach porridge
It first time i cook this i saw from tv ch 50 mei nu chu fang, saw the host use chopped spinach to make gan, one kind of sticky soup. Taste wise not bad and healthy too cos got veg.

25 may 2010
10am - Thinking what to cook for dinner, yesterday chicken stew Clement doesnt ate much cos he like fried food so today i think i fried his favourite pork chop and he can had for supper too with sandwiches. H thought the chicken stew is soup and drank it as soup ane the red bean soup is undrank.
Lunch i will cook mince pork peanut porridge with yu tiao for son. He loves yu tiao a lot.
Mine i will add chopped spinach to my porridge may be the century egg, was left on the table for months. i did not add the egg cos lazy to peel, may be keep for dinner - tow who with century egg.
While typing away, lucky i went to the kitchen on time my porridge almost got burnt.
Usually i will try to eat what Clement like to eat. Sometimes i like to cook new stuff which he dont like to tryIf my daughter not eating dinner i will usually wont cook fish, cos son dont eat fish much and i have to finish it and my daughter like fish.
I will pray hard to not think all the rubbish any more make myself very angry and sick.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

24th may 2010 Monday Seafood spaghetti
Saturday saw this lady ate spaggetti at wisma so feel like eating too, 1st time i notice there is this small pasta shop outside isetan ,3rd storey, So instead of usual fried rice on Monday i cook seafood spaghetti.
What u need
mince garlic
4 prawns
8 prawn head
few small squids
black pepper.
alway boil spaghetti in water with salt and oil.
parl boil brocolli
Sat.didnt cook really miss veg, i think i will cook or plan properly, everytime eat outside dont taste good and not worth a single cent. I think i like my own cook food. Very balance, with rice, meat, veg, soup and fruit. healthy living. i also eat too early for dinner when i outside. Do u believe at 2pm i ate 3 mini curry puff and at 3pm at wanton dumpling or swee jiao noodles. My stomach feel so bloated even in the evening i didnt ate anything. I think i lost about 1/2 kg, if u eat lesser u will definetly lost weight so easily. 1st time saw 49.6 kg. I think i lost another 600 g to 49kg and to 48.5 ? My face will be the 1st place to lost weight, , but my stomach is getting bigger and bigger and i dont like to stand straight cos it give weight to my leg. I feel better when i bend ? But i will try lah at certain place only lah !
Clement have not been eating his bread, may be he is sick of the bread, he like the ice cream cone so much. I think i will buy some nice ice-cream for him and bacon to whip up his appetite.
He had not been eating well even didnt eat his fruit during tea break. Must be the trading not making money.I hope he wake up and not day dream anymore, yao jiao ta shi ti.
Even do now i am perpsiring i also dare not to stop the fan from turning, cos left side body blow until so cold and weak, and remember the sharp pain on my upper back esp when i lay down.
Clean my 2nd part of the hall window which i wanted to do before China trip, next day i try to clean my room window which is very dirty and not clean for quite sometime.
I love Monday cos my mind is very calm if he dont disturb me, dont open the can of worms.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

23 may 2010 Sunday
It Sunday and i am staying at home living with a painful upper left back, when i lift or bend is so painful. The left side is so cold compare to the right side. I must have blow the fan too much. Early in the morning I make ginger red date longan tea to get rid of the wind and lucky today weather is hot can get rid of the dampness in the body. After lunch take a nap the back feel better, i pray hard in church too. May be i rub oil too and did not move much. Old and tired.
Also avoiding cold fruits now waiting for my 1/4 apple and mangoes to get warmer instead of cold.

Friday, May 21, 2010

22nd may 2010 saturday

it sat again i alway feel bored cos i had been sitting at home for 5 days and sat pple all not working going out but except me still stand by to cook for anybody that want to eat. Now i going to change, not cooking dinner on sat. but go out. Last sat i went out, orchard was so crowded but sunday i go out too early it is alway so quiet.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

21st may 2010 Friday

Today have small kuey teow with fried small onion with light sauce, spring onion, fish cake and fish ball, veg. Something different i usually ate the same stuff routine.
Clement two noisy magic card friend came so early in the morning ,11am, make so much nosie worse when they talk all the shit and this and that, disturb my peace from reading.
Tonight the usual stuff cos friday no meat
ikan billies
fried eggs
soup - ikan billies veg soup
So simple every Friday no need to think what to cook, cooking is really stress for hsewife.
Day time had been eating salted fig cos tongue feel tasteless must stop eating cos salt make my leg cramp at night and also give high blood pressure.
Try to control my diet after lunch ate half mangoes only.
At night esp dont eat bread or anything try to lost 300g.

20th may 2010 thursday
Celeste went to cameron highland for 4 days for retreat. Clement exam coming but always sleeping in the day time, a very restless person. lunch have fried mee hoon with vegatatian drumstick, fish cake, chye sim, cabbage, garlic. so so mee hoon a bit soft, Clement have fried kuey teow since yesterday he didnt eat lunch so keep for today. he like the veg drumstick too.
Dinner - chye sim, tow kay, boneless chicken leg cut into cube with white onion and pumpkin cube, jap fish and malay fish, also the leftover luncheon meat sitting in the refrig for so long.
Soup - pork rib, chicken bone, pumpkin, small tomatoes, one slice ginger and two garlic boil for about an hour. This morning went market walk too long buy too heavy fruits come back very tired. nowaday body very weak alway feel very tired.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

18th may 2010 wednesday
lunch - fried kuey teow with tow kay, fish cake slice, prawn head, garlic and egg. long time didnt eat this cos son dont like to eat alway said not nice, but i think is not bad , after all the routine lunch chee cheong fun , hor fun this is something different. bought 1 kg of songhe brown rice very expensive 1 kg cost 3.90 if 5 kg will be $19.50. a pkt of rice is 5kg normal cost around $14.00.Clement not eating lunch today later i going fried prawn with fish paste bread for him for dinner and supper.

Monday, May 17, 2010

18th may 2010 tuesday
today went to market may be pull too heavy stuff feel very tired and weak so cannot slim down cos do work need strength, food gives u strength, my work need strength so in between i need to rest and do bit of bit of hsework. lunch spagetti with prawn and last night leftover pork chop (one slice only, i dont want to eat too much meat), with par boil niu bai - veg. noon time ate some sour stuff cos tongue tasteless, 1/4 apple n pear n one pcs of kueh with coconut outside and gulamelka inside.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

17/5/10 monday - fried rice - salmon,prawns, ginger ,egg, sesame oil for lunch,last night rain whole night so is quite a cold weather so must eat ginger to get rid of wind. it so simple but very fulfilling.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

few days ago lunch alway wondering what to eat, feel like having soupy stuff so korean maggie mee with egg lot of spring onion and luncheon meat, a bit unhealthy, but once a while ok lah.
after so much meat feel like eating vegetatian food so bought the can mock intestine but inside got so many other stuff so many bamboo shoot and very smelly need to add lot of ginger wine sesame oil to kill the smell with one big tow kee and young chye sim this kind of veg very nice, cook with hongkong noodles and mee hoon a bit of roast pork,roast pork dont taste good got smelly taste.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

6th may 2010 thursday
bake pototoes bacon cheese for son but no appreciatetion, bring to his room to show him for supper, he said ok ok take it away that kind of response ! my son never appreciate any things i do for him, ai......... today ate mee tai mark for lunch with big fish big and seaweed two kee.
roasting two chicken breast. one for dinner, one keep for sat lunch.if roast chicken can roast more to keep in the freezer.
receipe for pototoes cake
fry chopped big onion - 1 tb
2 slice of bacon - cut into cute
boiled pototes for 1/2 an hour with skin, mash it add 2 tb of butter, salt, pepper, mix together, add onion and half of the bacon. use cup 2 tb pototoes, cheese cube, pototoes, bacon and cheese.
bake till cheese melt and golden in colour.