Tuesday, May 24, 2011

sat 21/5 - lunch - meesia with old pork leg, roast pork and spinach. The noodles is not fresh got mould smell.

Monday lunch 23/5 - fried rice luncheon meat - premier $2.10 not bad.

tuesday 24/5 lunch - old kuey teow with gai chye and very old chicken cp cube, i roast it today then fry taste not bad, the last time may be not properly cook got one kind of garlic smell.

24/5 tuesday dinner - young sweet pototoes leaves with dry chillies, garlic and dried prawns with fish sweet, try something different.

batam fish slice with ginger, sauce, and shao xin wine.

2 eggs with tomatoes, failed too watery suppose to be soft egg but didnt turn out right, somemore i use two tomatoes , sort of wasting money. Wanted to cook this dish very long, saw vicky cook this so try it out.

lettuce for son sandwiches

24/5/11 Tuesday

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