Monday, November 1, 2010

2 chicken leg with onion and ginger in sauce.f
fried fish batam

prawns with big onion.

liver with onion.

lunch leftover yue liang bing, prawns fry with popiah skin.

chopped kai lan.

long cabbage.
1st November 2010 Monday
Today refri no fruits so went s n s bought pears and apples.
Later went to 1.15min All Saint mass.
Normally Monday i dont go out but today
i went out twice so i a bit tired.
Son wake up so late his room
is not sweep and mop, no strength
to do it !!!!!!!
Later cook so many dishes, cos chicken so little only enough for two, liver scared too hard unedible so if it is not nice there are some other veg to eat. Cook prawns for daughter cos hardly cook prawns for her, fry fish for son cos he hardly eat fish. cook gor fish for daughter it only so small pc only enough for since she like fish. So tired that i just throw the fish in the leftover longcabbage sauce to cook it instead of steaming. Kai lan too little so must cook another veg. Forgot to take the gor fish picture too tired to go kitchen again. Since i cut one big onion son eat lot of meat and onion is good for meat eater so i just use up and fry with chicken, liver and prawns ! Tmor still need to go All Soul Mass, is a must cos since Church make noon mass which is hardly
must appeciate it and go and attend to pray for my 5 family members whom i miss so much especially mum and janet, whom is my dearest.
Eternal Rest grant unto them and let pepertual light shine upon them,
Rest in peace.

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