Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thursday leftover brasied tow kee and black mushroom, taste even better eat with noodles.
Monday lunch - noddles with sat leftover mince pork, dont taste good throw away some, with wash 3 days red spinach and black sesame seed ( good for white hair), that why the noodles a bit black

sunday dinner - fried rice with long bean and har bee hiam, the whole kitchen and hse so sting, next time better dont fry and need to add fibre to food so the food is better than outside fried rice, no veg.

This thin cookies is quite nice but yesterday i ate i feel too sweet, may be my tongue is not sick. My son bought some back from few month back from church orchard hotel, door gift ? He doesnt eat any and left all the chocolate and this in the refri for so long and he said it not fresh anymore !
29th November 2010 Monday
one more day all soul month coming to the end.
I had my lunch at 11am consider quite late.
Morning no mood to clean the hse properly.
mei yu xin qing huo xin qing bu hao ba !!!!!!!!!

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