Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jesus invite to himself all those who labour
and are burdened. The phrase 'comfort zone'
is use of the state where we feel life is under
control and satisfactory. Jesus is inviting those
who are not in the comfort zone, who feel
oppressed by anxiety and uncertainly.
I am often weary, Lord, and my burden
feel heavy on me. When i look at Christians,
some of them indeed relaxed and easy in
your company. Other appear uptight and
driven, not restless people to be near.
You are a gentle, humble presence. If i feel
under pressure, something is wrong. It is
a sign of a your presence to me that my
soul feel rested.

Night Prayers

Save; us, lord, while we are awake; protect
us while we sleep, that we may keep watch
with Christ and rest with him peace.

Lord god, I have come to the enbd of this day
and thank you fro all the joys and graces you
givs me I know, that I have not alway
done what was right. Help me to examine
my conscience and ask pardon for the sins
I have commited today.

Dont be afraid
Crisisi time Holy Spirit will instruct us
on what to say, continue be my strength.
The fear comes from trusting ourselves
or our own abititiies instead of placing
all trust in the Lord, is always with us.
O Lord, be thou a bright flame before me
Be thou a guiding star above me
Be thou a smooth path below me,
Be thou a kindly shepherd behind me,
Today, Tonight and forever.

Jesus works today in the eyes and
hand of the many people who come
into our lives, to see our needs and
teach us, heal us, protect us, need us,
feed us, pride us up, sing to us,
make us laugh and love us.

No one has been able to tame the
tongue, it is eveil and uncomtrollable,
full of dealy poison.

Offer emptiness to Lord in prayer,
ask him to fill it.
Last night dinner western meal - orange chicken fillet, pototoes sald, veg.
1st July 2010 Thursday
Going to rain soon, sky so dark.
dinner roast chicken
prawns eggs
brocolli cauliflower, carrot
yesterday throw away lot of veg today didnt buy any
and try to clear all the old veg in the refri.
Clement two friends is here, never call me, ?????
or i am invisible ?
They alway talk so loud and laugh so loud in the room.
1pm - lay down on bed mind keep recital endless details
of pple affairs until head very pain
need to jump out of the bed.

Sour old woman
crowning work of the devil
release me from craving to try to
stengthen out people affairs.
Keep my mind free from the
recital of endless details.
Give me the way to get to the point.
Be seal om lips on my
aches and pains.

Lord, thank u for my weakness
give me the grace i need to
trust in your strength.

No pain No gain
Accept the Pain
Future will be Fruitful
Dont feel the work you are doing is pain,
because there will be always
a reason for that pain or work.
Last night dinner
1st time i had western meal for dinner, after watching ch 435 alway cooking western food,
so long didnt eat and since nobody eating dinner so just use the pototoes salad instead of
cooking rice. Quite a big plate, quite a heavy dinner also throw quite a bit of food.
The chicken is also very salty, add too much salt.
Rube chicken breast with salt and black pepper, coat with cornflour and fry till brown, add some orange and lemon jucie to cook for 1 min. Par boile the veg. Pototoes boiled egg (mashed roughly), mayo lemon juice, salt and black pepper and spring onion.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Hymn of Praise

Cry out with joy to the lord, all the earth
Serve the lord with gladness, come before him,
singing for joy.
Know that he, the Lord is god, he made us,
We belong to him, sw are his people, the sheepof his flock.
Go within his gates, giving thanks, enter his
courts with songs of praise, give thanks to him
and bless his name.
Indeed, how good is the Lord, eternal his
merciful love. He is faithful from age to age
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to
the Holy spirit as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
Jesus will forgive our sins and
lift us from our weakness.

Our Lord also suffered intensely
He allows pain and trials
Lord make me realise that you are with me
even in the difficult and trying moments of
my life.

Jesus - suffer and despised
Prayers - from suffering, battle against distractions
and bordom. Best intention meet with resistance
rebuffs, even those we love most
Perservence will won a reward.

The most meaningul way to live our
daily life is to develop a personnel
relationship with the Lord.
maggie mee with ikan billies with chillies, garlic, green letture veg and can salted bean pork.
30th june 2010 wednesday
Nobody eating dinner.

pototoes salad - not cook rice.
chicken breast with orange juice
lunch have maggie mee with can pork very salted
wont be buying again.
wonder cannot work forget to plug to the camera.
My soul give thanks to the Lord,
all my being; bless his holy name
My soul give thanks to the Lord
and never forget all his blessings.

God continue to protect us from harm daily,
We are each called to praise and thank
him daily and never take his goodness
for granted.

Tell Jesus all your concerns,
ask him to be more real to yuou.
Ask him to help you to feel the reality
of His Presence in your
midst and to be

Cure us, Lord, of our weakness
protecting us, guiding us, leading us
open up path
Lord give us the strength and courage
to drink the cup of suffering which we
need to drink in order to change our lives.

Lord, we admit we are sinners,
We deserve punishment but
We beg for your mercy.
Help us to extend forgiveness
to all who hurt us.

Self centred = emptiness, division, frustration

As we grow older we may feel lost and lonely.

Even though from time to time
we may fall as Peter did, Lord,
may we hold fast to the life you
have given us.

Prayer norishes love,
and is at the service
of love, the greatest
of god's gifts

Greed causes pain and division
black promfet in dark sauce, wine and sugar, big onion and srping onion
chicken leg, brinjal yellow pepper, red pepper, big onion and can stew tomatoes

long bean, veg and red pepper

mince pork with egg tow who

curry noodle offer $1.90 just want to use the noodles to fry.

can bean pork, chye sim and peanut and the bread i bought for son still there not touch and the mixed nut bread cannot finish.
29 th june 2010 tuesday
1. black promfret - deep fry it, add wind, dark sauce, sugar and water, add big chop onion and spring onion.
2.season chicken with salt and pepper. pan fry till cook, add yellow and red pepper, big white onion, can stew tomatoes, sugar 1/4 c of water, cover and boil for 5 to 10 mins, lastly add salt and black pepper.
3.mince pork with egg tow who - fry small onion till fragrant add mince pork (season with sauce, pepper, cornflour and sesame oil ) add water egg tow who, 1 tb oytser sauce, cornstarch, sesame oil and pepper.
Give thanks to the lord,
beacause he is good,
and his love is eternal
Let the people of Israel say.
His love is eternal.
Let all who worship him say,
His love is etrernal
In my distress I called to the lord,
He answered me and set me free.
It is the lord who helps me,
and i will see my enemies defeated.
It is better to trust in the lord
than to depend on man.

Monday, June 28, 2010

29th June 2010 Tuesday
We find good and evil in our hearts.
Harsh judgement, retaining of past hurts,
thoughts of greed and misuse of others.
are part of the human heart as well as
love that dwells there.
Prayer purifies the thoughts and desires
of the heart as well as allow the love of god in Jesus Christ to flood our personalites

Happiness keep you sweet
Trials keep you strong
Sorrows keep you human
Failures keep u humble
Success keep u slowing
but only god keep u going
you are so special

Prayer norishes love
and is at the service of love, the greatest of gold's gifts

greed causes pain and division.

Live is a gift
Faith teaches us to make
blessing over life
Make life a blessing over life
is the way of
turning life into a blessing

Friday, June 25, 2010

1. ikan billies
3. spinach with har bee hiam
4. strawmushroom and flower mushroom with sauce
5. pineapples with black mushroom

fry slice ginger in sesame oil till fragrant
add black fungus and pineapples
and salt only. healthy receipes

Thursday, June 24, 2010

five kind of rice

feeling of deja vu
down pour

brown rice
black glutinous rice
xiao mee - small rice
xiao mai
chao mai - bluckwheat - soba
25th July 2010 Friday
This morning rain very heavily. From around 8am
waited for half and hour, still raining but sitll went market
i am a very impatient person.
Downstairs wind so strong had to hide behine the pillar.
Lucky the wind went out and went to market.
So quite market stallholders is sitting on the stool.
I wonder how there are still pple in the coffee shop
eating during such a heavy rain.
I see i am the only one going marketing the
rest need to go out neccaruy.
And only pple coming back.
So go online a bit late at 10.55am.
Lunch have kueh teow and fish cake
which i bought 2 or 3 days ago.
Bought big fish ball to go with it cos
friday and tonight can have it with soup.
Add too much sauce the kuep teow very salty.
make a big cup of coffee to drown off the saltiness.
Alway thinking of lot of problems sadness
angriess and pple problems very pathelic and so on.
Read sumoti getting married feel happy for her
and her beau so handsome and
is a school sweetheart.
After so many years 46 and they are together
so many years is wasted.
Last night watching tvn didnt pay attention
dont know what that lady cooking look
like beef and long stick. alway dark sauce and sugar.
all her food are the same.
need to cook all the mushroom in my refri
going to get rod soon.
Bought last sunday.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

today read this on newspaper

A spouse may accept
an elderly parent's
domineering and preposterous
behavior and sacrifice family
harmony in order to remain filial.

This is what my husband did to our
family. We are sacrificing lambs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since yesterday i have been
enjoy the radio , now the com
can hear radio again, it was
gone for quite sometime.
Listen to pple talking, news
and music and nutritious talk.

Today bought 2 flowers crab $3.00
shell $2.00
tiger prawn $4.00
cook lot of seafood for dinner, too
bad no camera to take pictures
cos it quite different from the usual
stuff i cook.
2 roast chicken legs
small green veg.

Next day early in the morning stomaches, may be they are very dirty
wont be buying anymore and the tiger prawns not sweet and very stutt.
24th June 2010 Thursday
Today camera missing cannot take
a good picture of my lunch which
is very colourful and appetisted.
I leart from mama in the big Kitchen
What u need
boneless chicken leg
can stew tomatoes
yellow pepper cube
red pepper cube
brinjal cube
big onion cube
mince garlic
celery or spring onion chopped

1. rub chicken with salt and black pepper.
2. Pan fry the chicken till cook.
3. pan fry brinjal for 1 mins
4. Add yellow and red pepper, garlic,celery ( in dont have so didnt add )
can tomaotes, add some water.
5. Cover and let it cook for 10 mins
6. Lastly add spring onion, salt and black pepper.
Quite a big portion but i manage to finish it, cos i add lemon juice so
it is very appetisiting.
24th June 2010

Today is my beloved sister janet Ho Lee Choo 14th anniversary.
Eternal Rest Grant Unto her
and Let Pepetual Light Shine
Upon Her.
Rest in peace, Choo
Forever miss..........
salmon with japanese sauce and sugar, wine, fry it 1st, when cook add sauce.
squid with japanese sauce, sugar, wine,dark sauce.just fry till cook.

whole egg for son, egg with fried dried prawn and chives.

french bean with garlic and har bee hiam, salt and light sauce.

cabbage with har bee hiam

liver in ginger and wine and sesame soup, sprinkle with salt, liver is season with light sauce, pepper,sesame oil and cornflour. The right method is
sesame oil fry with ginger till fragrant
add water, when water boiled add liver
wine and lastly salt.
par boil the liver first to get rid the smell, so taste better.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Look hard at a crucifix
it is sometimes fashioned to look
beautiful, in precious materials
that gloss over its obscenity;
a human being nailed up to a
wooden gibbet to die in public.
To those who have suffered grieviously,
from pain or betrayal or other people's malice,
the crucifix is precious precisely because it
shows the Son of God exposed to irrational
evil, to gross injustice, or an agonising,
lonely death, as so many people are exposed.
There are times when it is the only religious
image that makes sense. I think of a wife
whose world was collapsing as she discovered
the infidely of her hushand, she kept her
sanity by clinging to the crucifix on her
rosary and joining her agony to that of Jesus.
His last words, "Father forgive them, are consoling
because they show the power of love to overcome
evil, a real Trimph in contrast to the empty
Hosannahs of Palm Sunday.
chives with dried prawn pancake roll
mexico chicken, lettuce wrap
23th June 2010 Wednesday
chives pancake
3 big tb flour
mixed and stand for 1 to 2 hour
This way the texture is better.
Fried dried prawn add into
the flour mixture
add chopped chives.
use non stick pan fried till golden brown
or slighty cprisy.
just dont feel like eating the usual stuff
saw last night mark lee cooking show
this champion lady who cook this chives kueh
and got lots of good comment.
So today try it out
quite filling and it quite nice too, i manage to muster the salt well but
not very healthy, only flour and no veg and meat.
receipe for wrap
letture strips
breast chicken meat fry with
big onion or any kind of meat
roast chicken etc. avocodo, lime juce
Note bad but too little ingredient inside and skin very thick.



black sugar
'soft butter
milk powder
light sauce

cheese dip
600g cut cheese , hard kind look like soap
300g or 2c white wine
boil it

icing sugar
white pepper
cornflour water
add to cheese above

mexico food
big onion- fry till very soft
zuchuci strip
chicken strip
tomatoes paste
cream - thick milk
can eat with wrap
brocolli with pumpkin slice
dinner - pork chop - season with red wine yeast, light sauce, sugar, 5 spice, pepper, salt,wine

lunch leftover roast pork fried with garlic, sugar and dark sauce.

mircowave tow who for 1 mins, pour away water and pour mince pork on top, sprinkle with

srping onion and tomatoes look better.

chicken breast fry with big onion , hp sauce and sugar. Season breast with light sauce and

cornflour first, i cook this to eat with the wrap i bought.

lettuce strips wtih mayo for the wrap

copy wrongly it suppose to be my veg - brocolli, which now on top.
22nd June 2010
had been buying of lot mushroom lately
1. whilte mushroom
2. strawmushroom
3. fresh black mushroom
4. strawmushroom
5. white flower mushroom.
Eat until scared wont be buying anymore for sometimes.
Last night finish all the cooling veg in the refr
green pepper
white carrot soup
at night leg almost went dead.
ready cannot take cooling food.

Monday, June 21, 2010

japanese soba noodles with xiao chye and roast pork
bought this soba at ntuc $2 per packet quite expensive, inside a pkt of sauce and bit of seaweed
The sauce is a bit salty so dont add all, i add some sesame oil very fragrant and sesame seed.

22nd June 2010 Tuesday

Son bought the ahmo chocolate cookies very nice now to refri see got any ingredient to make my own cookies, eat a bit quite ok wont grow fat ?

Note : cant find any chocolate chip so didnt make any, buy better.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Monday lunch - fried rice with egg, prawns and mixed veg and 3 small hotdog with honey,sauce.
Sunday lunch maggie mee with chye sim, fresh black mushroom in sauce.

21st june 2010 Monday
stomachaches may be is the ginger honey ?
dinner - braised chicken wings
white carrot soup

Friday, June 18, 2010

udong char siew with chye sim

10th June 2010 Saturday
Make my own char siew, like the sweetness of it.
Use tiger brand dark sauce ( the most expensive one $3.65), cos that is what
u can get in s n s. They always run out of stock of many things.
Wanted to buy the $2 one but dont have so try this one, it sticky, darker and salty.
Sauce for udong
oyster sauce
dark sauce
char siew sauce
sesame oil
spring onion
Computer look like going to die soon, the screen keep on fading away.
Sky is slighty dark, no sun, no rain.
fried tow kwa with mushroon sauce and spring onion on top
red onion egg with green pepper and red chiliies on top.

long bean eggs

long bean with red chillies for colour.
18th june 2010 Friday
Finish cooking all the dishes son said want half a dinner
When he see the green pepper he will not eat that eggs
He will said eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

mushroom in sauce

green pepper which i cur circular and look from top, look interesting !

mangoes waiting for it to get ripe

Thursday, June 17, 2010

yu tiao
fish porridge
18th June 2010 Friday
Start to get bored, clean kitchen bacony wall, 2 toilet windows and toilet upper wall.
Look like very long didnt clean very dirty.
Market veg dont look fresh, raining last few days,
only bought 2 veg - long bean and chye sim only.
Still got last week cucumber and bittergourd
dont know still edible, may be rot alrdy,
weather too cold dare not to eat cooling veg.
korean sauce fresh black mushroom
chopped long bean with eggs
fried tow kwa
big red onion with eggs or sardines ?
sardines tin so big only 2 person eating
cannot finish so just fry onion salt and black pepper ?
tmor go jalan jalan very bored.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

suan pan zi
pears, yellow kiwi, strawberry

oranges, chillies

my son suan pan zi without spring onion, he comment that the yam is not properly mashed.
I steam too many and not very soft and lazy to mash.

leftover steam yam

17th june 2010 thursday
receipe for yam abacus
1. slice yam and steam till soft.
2.. Mash it
3. mix with tapoica flour, less than yam.
4. It depend whether u like more yam or flour.
5. make it into few long strips and cut it 1 ins.
6. use hand to shape it nicely.
7. put abacus into boiling water, boil till it float
on top, it mean it cook, med fire.
8. put the hot abacus into cold water and soak
till cold, it make the abacus more chewy.If
u soak not cold and still warm the abacus will
become very soggy.
9. fry mince small onion till fragrant add mince pork,
push aside add dried prawn, cube black mushroom
and black fungus, lastly add abacus.
10. Add light sauce, salt, sugar, pepper, sesame oil (opt)
fry for 2 mins add water to boil.
11. If u like soupy kind add more water, it u like
dry kind add lesser water.
dinner - jap curry
korean sesame sauce chicken boneless leg.
receipe for jap curry
1. fry chopped big onion till soft, add pototoes
carrot, chicken and water to boil.
2. When pototoes is soft add jap curry cube.
Add few at a time, keep on stirring, bottom
can get burnt easily. Do not add too many
jap cube at one time cos the curry might be too
thick.As u cook longer it will get thicker, cook during
lunch and eat dinner time, the curry taste better,
watch tv they keep in refr for 3 days.
Receipe for korean chicken
1.Spinkle some salt and black pepper on chicken
2. Pan fry till half cook add sauce, cook till sauce
quite dry and stick on the chicken.
receipes for korean sesame sauce as below,
hp sauce
tomatoe sauce
light sauce
dark sauce ( for colour)
grated garlic
grated ginger

Yesterday rain orchard flooded read some
of the reader comment online very funny
1.rain also like to kai kai shopping belt
2. go orchard use sampan
3. introduce rain taxi
4. water skiing
5.bring float
5. raining wear bikiki or swimwear there

it 17 june 2010 thursday

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

white mushroom cook with butter,mince big onion and a bit of milk, salt and pepper
meetai mark with fishcake and jiaozi, a bit tough, and spinach.

white mushromm and strawmushroom in soya sauce

chopped spring onion - look like going to wither so chopped all and finish it.

new korean noodles, packages look nice but wondering inside nice or not, $3.75 quite cheap
some brand cost $4 plus.

16th June 2010

This morning sky very dark, but
it take sometime for it to rain
so it was heavy downpour when i was in
the market, the whole market is so dark
like night time. As usual didnt wait for long
and go back in the heavy rain. The pant was
so wet and the leg so cold. lucky can walk back
under the flooding road.
Crazy over ch 69 (western cooking) and korean tvn cooking program
so bought white mushroom and strawmushroom
to cook two different favour. Had been eating
quite unhealty this few days all the fried stuff
so hear that mushroom is very nutritous and long
time didnt cook, so bought two. Also thinking
soupy lunch and steam, stew food. So
today rainy day hot soupy meetaimark is
just nice.

Korean mushroom
1.cook light sauce with a bit of dark sauce
sugar, wine and 1/4 cup of water and let
it boil for about 5 mins.
2. Add in mushroom and mix with sauce
till cook sprinkle sesame oil and spring onion.

Butter white mushroom

1. Fry butter with chop white onion till soft and fragrant.
2. Add in mushroom salt black pepper, when it almost
cook add some milk and spring onion.

Note - buy lurpak unsalted butter,
the butter is fresh and taste very nice.
1.30 pm come out from the room the temp. in the hall is super
cold, hand can feel slight aches and two legs very cold
may be because of the cold beezes.
just like winter time !

Monday, June 14, 2010

fried noodles with small onion oil, tow kay, egg, fishcake and honey ham.

15th june 2010 Tuesday
Today is my son birthday. Early in the morning around 8am heavy rain.
Have to wait for rain to get smaller before going market and daughter going to work.
Went to s & s bought lof of heavy stuff didnt walk further still got lot of food in the refr.
Bought apples, cherry and jumbu, kaya bread, eggs, lupark butter, honey ham, harpic.
wanted to buy 30 cents of kuey teow noodles, instead he give me 80 cents. later he took
out the kuey teow and left the noodle for me, i didnt know until i went home, cannot stand
pple give me wrong stuff. When i feel like eating something and thought is the thing that i bought
but come back see different make me irrated, but this time is quite ok, may be a bit u know .....
yesterday cook this ginger honey is very good for the tasteless tongue instead of the sour salty
plum , i take this.
50 honey
50 ginger - thinly sliced
1.cook the honey till bubble
2.Add in the ginger to cook it till roast or honey is quite dry.
3.When cook put in the container and eat 2pcs 1 day
4. Put it in the centre of the tongue and bite and chew slowly, it quite effective.
My son will eat his wanton noodles with fish cake and ham.

cherry tomaotes - cut into half fry with garlic, ginger, salt, sugar and sprinkle with dried parlsey

pork belly - with dark sauce, light sauce, garlic, ginger, onion, sugar ( add more if u like it sweet 2tb) and black vinegar.

Monday dinner- 2 dishes above , fry malay fish, cabbage with carrot and black fungus, french bean. I think i wont be cooking rice cos my daughter only want to eat little bit, me too. Lunch time son dont want so much rice so got about 1/2 bowl of rice,i think we both eat 2 spooonful and lot of veg., meat and fish !!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

chicken chop with melting cheese - very delicious and cprisy - use hp sauce + honey + lemon juice,
hp sauce is sour so no need to add lemon juice, next time i will make it sweeter. i prefer sweet sauce so is my son.
Monday lunch - fried rice with egg, bacon, hotdog, prawn, chop big onion and spring onion, garlic and
mix veg - peas, carrot and corn

Another picture of the fried rice

sat soup - pork rib with brown bean, 2 garlic and one slice of ginger, I went out to eat so
i keep for sunday dinner, i thought i didnt boil very long but the meat is already
quite tender.

Sunday dinner - fried rice with egg, srping onion and diy char siew, the sauce is very
sweet and nice but a bit oily, next time add lesser oil.
Clean my two fans today - hall and bedroom, i on it every day so i must keep it clean if
not the room will have foul smell and my nose is very sensitive. I cleaned them once a month?
or when i see is dirty i will clean.
Rainy day but little rain sky grey and dark no sunlight for the past 1 week ?
I prefer this kind of weather than hot weather i will perpiring a lot.
I dont read what i type but when the mood come
i will edit the mistakes and spelling lot of words
i spell wrongly. Thought of going ntuc but too lazy or just
dont have the habit of going out on Monday unless urgently
need something. Window cleaner drop outside the window
also lazy to walk to that shop to buy new one.
I think i use the long stick or just leave it dirty
for a while.