Thursday, June 10, 2010

11th june 2010 Friday
Lunch - boil hor fun with cook oyster sauce, sugar, wine, dark dauce, sesame oil and cornstarch.
with crpisy fried wanton, triangle fishpaste cake and fried fish ball.
Today bought a big bag of veg -whitle carrot, pumpkin, kangkong, cucumber, xiao bai chye,french bean, garlic, small onion and a small of ginger. Still got 2 cabbages, bittergourd in the refri.The wanton last time $1 for 6 not 5 only bought yesterday but very fresh and sweet.
The triangle fishcake - the fishpaste very fragrant like the taste a lot, very sweet kind of fishcake smell.Today use two rotten bananas (rotten bananas very sweet) to make bananas pancake.
Like the sweetness of the rotten bananas natural sweet.
Fried hei bee hiam too, today got lot of energy so fried it till very fragrant, last
time i am so tired i try half way and dump in the freezer.
I going to use it to fry kangkong,
hardly buy kangkong cos got lot
of wind, but very long havnt eat
so just buy it afterall dont know
what vet to eat lah !
Have the usual tow kwa, fish balls, eggs may be fried malay fish, Clement
hardly eat fish, i have two meal of rich fish for the last two day for lunch
cod fish and salmon.
Later going to clean my microwave and the switch there
very dirty and oily.
Kitchen cleaning never end, as long as u cook
there is oil.

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