Sunday, June 13, 2010

chicken chop with melting cheese - very delicious and cprisy - use hp sauce + honey + lemon juice,
hp sauce is sour so no need to add lemon juice, next time i will make it sweeter. i prefer sweet sauce so is my son.
Monday lunch - fried rice with egg, bacon, hotdog, prawn, chop big onion and spring onion, garlic and
mix veg - peas, carrot and corn

Another picture of the fried rice

sat soup - pork rib with brown bean, 2 garlic and one slice of ginger, I went out to eat so
i keep for sunday dinner, i thought i didnt boil very long but the meat is already
quite tender.

Sunday dinner - fried rice with egg, srping onion and diy char siew, the sauce is very
sweet and nice but a bit oily, next time add lesser oil.
Clean my two fans today - hall and bedroom, i on it every day so i must keep it clean if
not the room will have foul smell and my nose is very sensitive. I cleaned them once a month?
or when i see is dirty i will clean.
Rainy day but little rain sky grey and dark no sunlight for the past 1 week ?
I prefer this kind of weather than hot weather i will perpiring a lot.
I dont read what i type but when the mood come
i will edit the mistakes and spelling lot of words
i spell wrongly. Thought of going ntuc but too lazy or just
dont have the habit of going out on Monday unless urgently
need something. Window cleaner drop outside the window
also lazy to walk to that shop to buy new one.
I think i use the long stick or just leave it dirty
for a while.

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