Sunday, June 6, 2010

The $5 ba chang from jade restaurant, not worth paying i had it for sunday dinnerpost wrongly suppose to copy ba chang but instead tow kwa

pizza bread with bacon and mushroom from breadshop in ion, very nice taste like pizza, $2.50ea

lunch - korean maggie mee with long cabbage. The cabbage taste like kimchee but noodle a bit salty, rainy day feel like eating something hot instead of the usual fried rice.

Chicken Chop - it was season on sat but too tired to cook so keep till today quickly fried it for lunch. My son have it with fried egg and rice.

7 June 2010 Monday

Friday night watching travel and living at 7pm this beautiful lady cooking show and later jamie didnt watch channel u korean drama with this ladies keep on shouting sick of it, 8pm follow by ch 69 or 435 lady cake making and jason in malaysia, start to enjoying my cooking program again. But sat realize that they are repeating what i watch on friday.
Saturday is a boring day no tv program t follow like weekday
so next time i wont watch it on friday but on sat.
Friday can watch ch 54 about art of make up etc.
Yesterday i went to taka bought a ba chang from jade restaurant cost $5. Seeing newspaper
advertise for so many years and look so nice so i thought why not try how it taste.
But it not worth it , inside one big salted egg yolk and whole thing taste so tasty, west mall$1.60 even taste better. Next time i wont pay to buy this kind of change anymore, once is enough. Bought the famous tayoyaki (japanese 3 balls) from ion which is very famous in japan,
this is their 1st branch here. 6 for $4.80, not that fantastic, still got two balls left in the refri, H ate one and said got squid very high chorestrol dont want to eat. I ate three dont want to overeat keep slim. Wonder an boy will eat the other two ? Bought this bread from jade restaurant, marble bread look nice but taste like normal market breadshop bread.
Bought a beautiful silver blouse very nice and price is reasonable $49. Singapore Sale is on.
Try 6 pants and 5 blouses and bought one blouse only the salegirl must be very mad, esp that one who took 5 pants for me to try.
Sunday got lot of strength can walk from isetan orchard to taka and walk back to isetan bus stop
to take bus instead of taka - there need to change bus a bit troublesome.

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