Tuesday, June 15, 2010

white mushroom cook with butter,mince big onion and a bit of milk, salt and pepper
meetai mark with fishcake and jiaozi, a bit tough, and spinach.

white mushromm and strawmushroom in soya sauce

chopped spring onion - look like going to wither so chopped all and finish it.

new korean noodles, packages look nice but wondering inside nice or not, $3.75 quite cheap
some brand cost $4 plus.

16th June 2010

This morning sky very dark, but
it take sometime for it to rain
so it was heavy downpour when i was in
the market, the whole market is so dark
like night time. As usual didnt wait for long
and go back in the heavy rain. The pant was
so wet and the leg so cold. lucky can walk back
under the flooding road.
Crazy over ch 69 (western cooking) and korean tvn cooking program
so bought white mushroom and strawmushroom
to cook two different favour. Had been eating
quite unhealty this few days all the fried stuff
so hear that mushroom is very nutritous and long
time didnt cook, so bought two. Also thinking
soupy lunch and steam, stew food. So
today rainy day hot soupy meetaimark is
just nice.

Korean mushroom
1.cook light sauce with a bit of dark sauce
sugar, wine and 1/4 cup of water and let
it boil for about 5 mins.
2. Add in mushroom and mix with sauce
till cook sprinkle sesame oil and spring onion.

Butter white mushroom

1. Fry butter with chop white onion till soft and fragrant.
2. Add in mushroom salt black pepper, when it almost
cook add some milk and spring onion.

Note - buy lurpak unsalted butter,
the butter is fresh and taste very nice.
1.30 pm come out from the room the temp. in the hall is super
cold, hand can feel slight aches and two legs very cold
may be because of the cold beezes.
just like winter time !

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