Friday, July 30, 2010

saturday lunch - wantan noodles with sweet and sour pork and kai lan.
steam groupa with tai hua fish light sauce .
31st saturday 2010 Saturday
First time try using this fish light sauce, quite fragrant and the fish is very fresh, u need to eat it when it is freshly steam.
Follow the receipe on the bottle.
steam fish with ginger ( i rub a bit of salt) for 8mins.
pour away the water.
fry 2 tb oil till very hot add 2 tb sauce and 3tb water,
pour over the fish with spring onion added lastly.
Note : normally the sauce is not cook only pour hot oil, need to check and try the next time.

friday dinner - ma po tow who, still sitting in the refri not finish yet.
lady finger with har bee hiam.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

lunch - kuey teow tang

30th july 2010 Friday

kuey teow tang is also my mum favourite, remember when i was young after closing shop, she will have a bowl of kuey teow soup and then we will go watch movies together, My parent will buy two tickets and me and sisters all will sit on the floor, seven of us or six ? Wonder janet did come along ? She is grandparent's pet. At those time movie ticket cost only 50 cents ! All these are just like yesterday but it was so long ago !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning the sky was so dark, i pray very hard that it wont rain cos i need to go to market, i am a clock person must finish my marketing then like one job is done.God did answer my prayers, only when i came back from market the sky then start to pour. God is great. The wind was strong too, it a very cold wet day ! May be certain part of Singapore is flooded ?

2th ikan billies to boil stock
add fish ball boil for 10 mins take out fishball
and cont to boil ikan billies stock.
fry fish cake , big two kee
slice small onion ,
wash kuey teow in tray.
boil water add kuey teow for 1 to 2 mins.
put kuey teow on big bowl, slice fish cake, big tow kee ( boil in the stock for 1min)
fish ball, add spring onion, fried onion and oil, pepper, light sauce.

My son will have the dry version cos he alway throw away the soup, very wasteful, the soup can keep for dinner. I use to make all kind of soup noodles for him now i dont do it, The ikan billies soup is nutritous and the fish ball make the soup very tasty better then oustide soup make of ajomonoto, only make u thirsty and head dizzy.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

29 th July 2010 Thursday
Pizza for my son for supper. The bread is long overdue yesterday lazy to make, cold day.
Today while cooking lunch make the pizza as well.
flat bread from taka
spagetti sauce
big onion chop
hotdag slice
green capsium
cheddar cheese
1. fry the bacon, hotday add onion and green capsium.
2. Apply sauce on bread add above ingredient and grated cheese on top
3. Put into hot oven for 15 mins.
Oven no 6 and let is preheat for 20 mins before put in oven.

29th July 2010 Thursday

lunch - spagetti with mince pork, chicken leg and can mushroom.

2 tb big onion chopped
60 cents mince pork
can mushroom sliced
1 boneless chicken leg

1. 2 tb butter fry with big onion till soft and fragrant.
2. Add mince pork fry till cook, add slice mushroom.
3. add spagetti sauce ( bottle with mushroom) and let it simmer for 3 mins.
4. add 1 cup of water and let it simmer for another 8 to 10 mins or sauce is slighty thicken.

Note : chicken leg rub with salt and black pepper and pan fry till golden brown and add to the
sauce and cook.

Son complaining my sauce is too watery next time will cook thick sauce for him.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

28th july 2010 wednesday

lunch - curry japanese mince pork udong

what u need
2tb chop big onion
$1.40 mince pork for two person.

1. fry chopped onion till soft and fragrant.
2. add mince pork fry till cook.
3. add 1 bowl of water, when boil add curry paste, about 3 tb.
4. cook till sauce thicken, about 10 mins
28 th july 2010 wednesday - birthday cake from daughter, we had it for breakfast.

side view

H never celebrated birthday for me, i like air in his eyes !!!!!!!!!!!!!

dinner - curry chicken, fried egg, white promfet, french bean and chinese spinach.

Monday, July 26, 2010

lunch - japanese curry with udon, very delicious
27th JUly 2010 tuesday
last week bought 4 pkt of udon (all in one pkt) from s n s for $4. Th texture of the udong is not bad.
receipe for curry
1 tb chopped big onion
2 tb chicken meat, i run of chicken
1. fry the onion till soft and frangrant add chicken and cont frying.
2. add 1 bowl of water and about 2 tb of japanese curry paste and let it
cook till thicken, if not enough water just add more to get the right consistence.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Monday 26th july 2010 lunch as usual fried rice ginger egg and taiwan mini sausages.
sunday lunch korean maggie mee no appetite, ang key until cant eat.

Friday, July 23, 2010

cabbage with button mushroom, vegetatian goose and pumpkin. My son loves this dish.
Fish cook in sauce with ginger and spring onion, wine, sugar, dark sauce.

eggs with spring onion thought of buying chives but it a bit too much so use this .

plain egg for my son, he dont like spring onion.

tow kwa, this time i try till more golden brown, if not son will only eat few pcs.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

black chicken soup
chicken wine with ginger and sesame oil, yesterday very cold so cook warm food, but the chicken got one kind of funny smell ?

brocolli, can pork rib with pototoes, leftover from lunch and fried beef with big onion.

fried red fish with ginger stip and spring onion. ang ge li.
last night trying to post this photo cannot post, last night dinner all photos look so black !!

23th July 2010 Friday
Lunch - mee hoon soup with fish ball and 3 kind of fish cake.
white one more crunky, taste wise all about the same.
Son will have kueh teow dry with fish ball and fish cake and chye sim,
he alway throw away the soup, so make dry one for him dont waste the soup.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

22nd July 2010 Thursday

pototoes with can pork rib and big onion.
add sugar, wine, black pepper and pepper
to kill the can pork smell.
Can add garlic and chillies.
1. boil pototoes with water and salt till cook.
2. fry pototoes with some oil till golden brown.
3. add big onion and can pork rib cook till sauce thicken.

Today early in the morning raining and wind very strong, leg
feel cold but manage to go market and come back !
Lunch is yesterday leftover 1/4 fun cheong and last week
leftover hor fun with har bee hiam, taste wise quite delicious.
and i go with the pototoes with pork rib as side dish !
cos the hor fun is a bit too little and raining day
must eat more to prevent hungry ?
to take or not to take all blame h very stingy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
only like to pay for pple but not for own family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today to market bought
black chicken - chia poh
whole chicken - alt $11.50
dont know what to eat !
$5 prawns
$3 2 red fish
cabbage, brinjal, brocolli and pototoes.

Dont know what to cook so have everything
in the refri feel like eat anything just cook
or dont know what to cook just cook
the old one first !

clear - beef
chicken ?
egg tow who tmor ? tmor friday cannot eat meat.
brinjal with mince pork and har bee hiam ?
fry two fish ? feel like eating fish
yes i fry one instead, that why i
alway separate in the refri.
I like to talk to myself in the blog,
kind of .................................

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

21st JUly 2010 Wednesday

Lunch - fun cheong with har bee hiam, fishcake go hiang , seafood tow kwa and chop xiao bai chye.
21st july 2010 wednesday
havent even eat lunch weigh 50.2 kg
put on 1/2 kg ? last night ate the big
bao weigh 51.5 kg so heavy, regret eating
the bao stomach cannot digest at night
the problem is that i ate food at night.
nuts and bao and last 2 week soon kueh
all the flour make me put on weight,
must control the mouth again.
So today lunch i had 1 and half fun cheong
instead of two.
Bought fish cake go hiang, went home
then remember i got go hiang at home.
But outside one taste different add lot
of rubbish. Mine is healthy ? lot of fatty
pork !
seafood tow kwa
4 fish cake go hiang
2 egg tow who
2 fun cheong
1 mee box alt cost $4
Went to ntuc bought 1 big pkt
of pocket tissue inside got 4 pkt.
1 bot tomatoes sacue
1 bot of sing song chiilies sauce
cost only $1.35 dont know nice or not.
5 oranges $1.80 only so cheap dont know
nice or not
5 green pears for $2.35 look a bit hard,
not much fruits to buy now a day
may be because of China flood ?
Fried fun cheong with har bee hiam
small onion, light sauce and some chopped
xiao bai chye. Very tasty !

My lap top (off) is repair and now using it.
lunch - fried udong with prawns, fish cake, cabbage, big onion, carrot.
monday lunch - fried rice with egg and lunchoen meat, garlic and spring onion.

sunday lunch - prawn noodles i bought.

home make go hiang

another plate of go hiang and fried eggs.
receipe for go hiang
$2 mince pork
$4 prawns 350g
3 waterchesternut chopped
1 big tb big onion chopped
2 mince garlic
2 stalk of spring onion chopped
1/2 egg
1 tb corn flour
2 tb plain flour
1tsp five spice powder
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp sugar
1 tb light sauce
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sesame oil
dash of dark sauce for colour
mix well by go round and round till glueme
let it stand in the refri for 2 h
use a clean towel to wipe the tow kee skin,
cos the skin is quite salty.
use 1 tb cornflour with 1tb of water to seal
the go hiang.
Today raining day, july is tyhoon period so
cannot go holiday.

Monday dinner - beef ball with ham cook in can tomatoes sauce, the ball a bit hard.
r eel i bought from west mall s n s , it from shanghai, i microwave it only, the skin not very nice i think u need to roast it skin up in the oven to make it taste nicer.
pan fry chicken breast with salt, black pepper, kai jean spcices and garlic.

cabbage for tonight dinner

last night dinner - celery with chicken breast.

20th July 2010 Tuesday

Monday, July 19, 2010

20th July 2010 Tuesday
hai shi lao di hao, using my old laptop, old and slow like me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life is so pitiful and getting worse and worse. xin qian at the bottom !
Today as usual bought lot of stuff
kai lan
xiao chye sim
xiao bai chye
green pepper
mo guo
big onion so many veg only $5, one can buy lot of veg but very cheap one an nutrient too !
When we are young my mum alway buy sweet pototoes leaves 10 cents only so cheap and nutricious. I start to miss mum again, the ten cents pineapple, bananas, they are pple save on veg and fruits sick alrdy then eat alrdy too late, body alrdy cannot absorb alrdy.
2 big pao last night feel like eating pao.
1/2 big fish cake
$4 bantan fish
$4 small prawns to make go hiang and waterchesternut, do dont what to eat, as i type the page
run, the com is getting older and older, very pitiful cant even type properly.
Fruits from s N s
5 apples
3 grape fruits, oranges look very rotten.
1 pkt sour tit bit - wu hua gu.

Old laptop is my old lover so slow and sensitive want to type also cannot keep on jumping up and down.
kai lan - hardly eat cos son dont like
cabbage - son likes
go hiang - dont know what meat to cook ?
egg - for son, sunday and monday i ate egg alrdy.
malay fish - steam it clear it too.
pototoes - feel like eating.
Stomach very full may be the udong very filling ?
No appetite for anything, may be
last night supper i keep on munching peanut ?
and fake cod fish strips very healthy, indigestion.
stomach taking a break for anything. keep
on eating wu hua gu cos tongue very stress
need something sour to bite feel better.
Son play games so early now only 1pm.
tea break
sweet peanut
yesterday and night lot of salted nut
1/2 small apple.
lot of wu hua guo
put on weight so fast
didnt really ate much
may be sunday bwa kwa
nonya kueh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
may be by sept cannot
put on gown again?????????????

Sunday, July 18, 2010

19th July 20101 Monday

Today just feel like eating lot of things, as usual refri very
empty tomor will do lot of marketing !!!
Yesterday i make mass for dad birthday on 25 July.
This year his birthday fall on 24 july 2010 saturday.
Sunday dinner i cook fried rice cos outside food
nothing interesting.
I fry with beef, salted fish make the kitchen very smelly
egg, garlic, onion with beef and lot of spring onion,
very tasty better than outside hor fun stall.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

last night dinner, long bean, lady finger, awful tow who, fish cake, eggs, cabbage vegetian goose,
overnight leftover veg with pork strip and tow kwa with pork strips very oily.
Today lunch lot of leftover food too, 1 month can bean pork with pork, tow kwa pork strips, cod fish, mushroom chicken, fresh food is bittergourd, ladyfinger, wantons, pork chop, chye sim mince pork.

Dinner - fresh food - one chicken leg, one malay fish, spinach with dried prawn and lunch time leftover as stated above.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

lunch mee box with fish cake, prawn dumplings and ma poh tow who
prawn toast

last night dinner - chicken leg, cod fish, veg with pork, egg with sauce and prawn toast, bitter gourd.
Around 11am heavy downpour till now. Morning went market sky getting sky worried it
rain but not till now. The mee box is very flourrr. very filling po tow who also not
nice will cook it tonight cos i only pour sauce on it.
Fish cake also fry too hard, not very nice.
Today bought french loaf later make pizza for ah boy and use the two rotten bananas to make
muffin or pan cake ?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

lunch - cod fish pork with tow kwa and can chye sim.

receipe for cod fish - japanese style - all japanese housewife also can cook.
1. pour wine on fish and put fish in the small pan.
2. Add light sauce, a bit sugar , 3 tb water and let it cook in the sauce till thick.
3. add some celery stalk - quing chye to the sauce and let it cook for 2 mins.
4. When fish is cook and sauce is slighty dry up, dish it up.
preferance to use japanese sauce, if u use normal light sauce add a bit
of dark sauce to give it the sauce a darker colour.
Go well with porridge, if u dont like it to be salty, add lessier sauce.

tow kwa pork
1. cut tow kwa in strips and add into a pot of cold water and let
it boil till tender. When water boil let it boil for 5 more mins.
This way the tow kwa is very soft and nice.
use those fry tow kwa from S n S. The taiwanese alway
use five spice hard tow kwa which is not avaiable in Singapore.
2. season pork strip with sauce, pepper, wine, sesame oil, a bit of water and
sesame oi.
3. Fry the pork in 60 % warm oil, to make the pork tender,
about 90% cook, dish it up
4. add oil cry garlic, push aside and in hot pan add sauce and bubbles add
tow kwa and pork and fry in big fire, lastly add some sesame oil
qing chye and spring onion or chillies if u like, colour wise also look

Stomach very full may be ate the green bean fried cake very awful. My tongue lost the
sweetness taste cant taste sweetness properly. Bought 2 pears from s n s thought very expensive must be very nice but instead not crunky and very soft very awful. Almost $2 for one.
Now a day the pear taste very funny dont know may be because of the drought and flood due
to this kind of fruits. Not buying pear any more.