Wednesday, July 14, 2010

15th july 2010
Last night it seem that i cook not enough food
for dinner so today bought quite lot of stuff
also watching ch 833 asia travel following some
simple taiwan cooking program at 7pm. So next day go
buy ingredients and cook it. This simple way
of cooking japanese fish where all housewife in japan
can cook is not bad. He used chiu town yu i use cod.
Cod fish $7. prawns $4, malay fish $2. Went to medical
hall bought yi zhu $2, Dried longan $2, dishwashing
liquid, cotton bud and two pkt or orange skin - tit bits.
two breast, 2 boneless chicken legs. spinach, bitter gourd,
ginger, xiao bai chye. Weather is getting hot too. so
cook some cooling soup. chicken breast with fish ball and
bitter gourd add lastly.

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