Saturday, July 3, 2010

carmelite nun

Silence, solitude, prayers
simple pleasures - afternoon breeze
chanting Divine office 7 times
pots and pams camn feel good
itimany, sensation
mind egererate
serenity, no word can describe
cook, clean, bake, read, sew

May u have a grace filled and meaningul of
Peance and Hope of the Advent and christmas

May yourt holidays filled with Love,
joy, happiness, and lots of Blessing

Wish u and your family a new year
filled with god's abundant Blessing.

If we have the attitude that others are always at fault,
we will be become blind to our imperfection.

Lord, may you be the light for my path

Lead a meaningful prayer life

Heal me, God, of all my weaknesses.

Holy Spirit - guide, inspire, empower you in your daily living.

God hear your every words
and feel your pain, speak to him
from your heart and find peace
within you.

Ask him to fill you with his spirits
and reveal His love for you.

It better to remain silent and be
thought a fool tha to speak out
and remove all doubt.

Lord, free us from all fear.

May the lord purifty my understanding,
my speech, and my heart, so that
I may receive the words of the Gospel.

To sing is characteristic of the Lover
We give evidence of our love for God
by raising our voices in song at the
beginning of the mass.

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